
Социология: панарабизм

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Pan-Arabism" в других словарях:

  • Pan-Arabism — is a movement for unification among the peoples and countries of the Arab World, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea. It is closely connected to Arab nationalism which asserts that the Arabs constitute a single nation. Pan Arabism has… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan-Arabism — Pan Arab, Pan Arabic, adj., n. /pan ar euh biz euhm/, n. the idea or advocacy of a political alliance or union of all the Arab nations. [PAN + ARAB + ISM] * * * Nationalist notion of cultural and political unity among Arab countries. Its origins… …   Universalium

  • pan-arabism — ˈpan+ noun Usage: usually capitalized P&A : a 20th century movement having as its principal aim the political union of the Arab states …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pan-Arabism — noun Date: 1920 a movement for the political union of all Arab nations • pan Arab adjective • pan Arabist adjective or noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pan-Arabism — /pæn ˈærəbɪzəm/ (say pan aruhbizuhm) noun the idea or advocacy of a political alliance or union of all Arab states. –pan Arab, noun, adjective …  

  • pan-Arabism — noun the principle or advocacy of political alliance or union of all the Arab states. Derivatives pan Arab adjective …   English new terms dictionary

  • Pan-Arabism — noun The belief in unification of the peoples and countries of the Arab world …   Wiktionary

  • Pan-Islamism — (اتّحاد الاسلام) is a political movement advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic state or a Caliphate. [Ottomanism, Pan Islamism,and the Caliphate; Discourse at the Turn of the 20th Century, American University in Cairo,The Middle East… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan-Turkism — is a political movement aiming to unite the various Turkic peoples into a modern political state, a confederation, or an economic union closely resembling that of the European Union.NameIn the research literature, the term Pan Turkism is used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan-nationalism — is a form of nationalism distinguished by the large scale of the claimed national territory, and because it often defines the nation on the basis of a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups. It shares the general nationalist ideology, that the …   Wikipedia

  • Pan-Celticism — is the name given to a variety of movements that espouse greater contact between the various Celtic nations.Types of Pan CelticismPan Celticism can operate on the following levels: * Linguistic many organisations promote linguistic ties, notably… …   Wikipedia

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